The sting of a bee or wasp is a complex instrument. It is located in the abdomen. Due to the flexibility of the insect’s body, the sting hits the target. Worker bees and queens have a stinger, drones do not have such an organ.Aug 20, 2021

What is a bee sting?

A stinger is an organ of attack and defense in some animals, mainly arthropods, for injecting liquid venom or a burning substance into the body of other animals.

Where do bees live?

So, there are no bees only in places where there are no flowering plants: hot sandy deserts and cold Arctic tundras. In all other places, there are bees. Bees are collective insects that live in large families – hives and have a strict hierarchy and division of labor.

What are bees for?

Among the insects living on the planet, the bee is the most useful for humans. Hardworking bees pollinate plants, which prolongs life on Earth, and provide valuable products. It is known that pharmaceuticals destroy pathogenic and beneficial microflora, but bee products are natural antibiotics.