Composition: organic matter – 65-70%, total humic acids – 27-36%, humic salts – not 18-26%, fulvic acids – 12-16%, organic carbon – 46%, nitrogen – 1.50%, phosphorus – 0.80%, potassium – 0.20%, pH – 6.5-7.5.

What is vermicompost used for?

Vermicompost is the safest, all-natural fertilizer for plants. Organic matter processed by earthworms is broken down into elements available to crops as a result of their vital processes, and is saturated with amino acids and other useful substances.

How is vermicompost formed?

Unabsorbed food particles under the influence of enzymes form even more complex molecules, whole organic complexes, such as humic acids. When released with coprolites, these newly formed humic acids enter into chemical reactions with the mineral part of the soil, and vermicompost is formed.

How to use vermicompost?

For watering seedlings, garden crops and fruit trees. One glass of vermicompost should be dissolved in 60-75 liters of water at room temperature. The yield increases by 33%, and the ripening time is reduced by 10-15 days. It is also good to use this solution for spraying fruit trees.