In early spring, a rejuvenating pruning should be carried out on a tree peony when the shoots are shortened to a growth bud. In late spring, if necessary, pruning of shoots frozen during the winter is carried out. When removing unnecessary stems, try not to destroy the shape of the crown too much.7 Sep 2018

When do I need to cut peonies?

The optimal time for most regions is late October or early November. You can even wait for the first autumn frosts at night. Stems with dried flowers should not be cut off completely, but leaving 2-3 leaves on the buds.

How should peonies be cut?

It is best to cut the flower no more than 40 centimeters in length. But if your peony bush is stunted, then focus on the leaves – at least three leaves should remain on the stem below. It is best to cut off an inflorescence that has just begun to bloom or even completely closed buds.

How to prune peonies after flowering?

For the "correct" pruning of a peony, it is necessary to leave the lower part of the peduncle with 2-3 leaves. "At the root" the bush should be cut only in the fall after the onset of frost. In this case, you need to leave the tips of the plant 20-30 mm high.